Policy in the field of product quality and safety
The limited liability company "Zlatopak" in its relations with all interested parties is guided by the rules of transparent conduct of business based on the Integrated Management System, which meets the requirements of international standards ISO 9001 in the field of quality management and ISO 22000 in the field of food safety.
Taking into account the demands and expectations of consumers and other interested parties, constantly developing and improving all areas of its activity, the company sets the following strategic goals:
· gaining and maintaining the reputation of a manufacturer of high-quality and safe paper bags and sacks;
· comprehensive satisfaction of the expectations of consumers of our products;
· creating an individual culture of quality to raise the authority and recognition of the enterprise on the market;
· constant improvement of the management system.
For the successful implementation of the Policy, we adhere to the following organizational principles:
· effective functioning of the organization, which ensures a balance of interests of Consumers and interested parties;
· improving production quality and implementing a safe product by applying basic programs and HACCP principles;
· compliance with current International and National legislation on product safety; responsibility in the management and organization of production processes;
· fulfillment of all the requirements of the procedures and instructions included in the structure of the management system, fulfillment of the sanitary rules described in the basic programs;
· ensuring the constant improvement of the level of knowledge of the staff in the field of quality assurance, product safety and their involvement in the implementation of the company's policies and goals;
· implementation of appropriate internal and external information on product safety.
The policy of the company's top management is aimed at effective implementation of strategic goals. The developed and implemented management system is designed to implement the company's policy.
The management of the enterprise guarantees the implementation of the adopted policy and implementation of control in order to prevent deviations in practical activities.
The company's management ensures that the company's employees understand and adhere to the policy, organizes training, advanced training, and takes measures to improve working conditions. The company's personnel actively and conscientiously contribute to the implementation of the policy.